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What We Do

The Pittsworth Chiropractic Centre helps people with these conditions:

  • Back pain;
  • Neck pain;
  • Headache, migraine;
  • Sciatica;
  • Hip, leg, knee or foot pain;
  • Shoulder, elbow, wrist or arm pain;
  • Disc trouble;
  • Poor posture;
  • Sports injuries;
  • Work-place injuries and…
  • Well-person care.

These conditions may be causing:

  • Numbness
  • Stiffness
  • ‘Pins and Needles’ sensations;
  • Muscle weakness

And could be the result of:

  • Poor posture
  • Sport injuries
  • Work place injuries
  • Falls & accidents.

We Listen Carefully

Of course, no profession helps all ailments, and that’s why at the Pittsworth Chiropractic Centre we listen carefully, examine thoroughly, and sometimes use other diagnostic aids like x-ray to see if you can be helped. If it seems you can't, you will be referred to your GP or another professional.

Range of Chiropractic Techniques

Once it has been established and it looks very promising that we can help, appropriate chiropractic treatment methods are chosen according to the patient's needs and condition. We have a wide range of chiropractic techniques to offer people that are safe and effective for all, including new born babies, the very elderly, those with brittle bones (osteoporosis), arthritis and those in severe pain.

We want results and we monitor a patent’s progress closely via frequent examinations. Many people find that periodic chiropractic care seems to offer an extra sense of well being andreduces the discomfort of treatable pain syndromes. We have always offered elective supportive and well-person care.

Proactive about Your Health

We often see patients who want to perform at their best and those who wish to be proactive about their health rather than wait for problems to arise.

In summary most chiropractic patients experience speedy relief from pain, improved function and very much enhanced well-being. It’s quite an experience and we look forward to this being the outcome for you.


Please contact the Pittsworth Chiropractic Centre with any questions.


Resource: pittsworthchiropractic.com.au/what-we-do-at-pittsworth-chiropractic.php Printed: 2025-01-26
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